Blackberry Coulis Cocktail is a deliciously refreshing blend of blackberries, Chambord liqueur and dark rum and a little fizz - slightly sweet, a little tart and a whole lot of sexy. What better way to ring in the new year!
We are in the homestretch, ya'll! You can bet that, after the year I have had, I'll be the first in line to scream sayonara to 2015. After which I'll happily raise my Blackberry Coulis Cocktail filled glass to usher in a 2016 and all that awaits me.
I'm generally not one for new year resolutions that focus on all the things I want to change about myself - that is a long list that will likely lead to failure and disappointment. Instead, I make a continuous effort throughout the year to improve upon what is good and hopefully develop and learn new things along the way. That approach tends to help quiet my often debilitating doubting internal dialogue...most days.
Blogging, in particular, sparks such dialogues, which often leaves me questioning my very existence. OK, that's overblown, but when you put your goodies out there for all the world to see, some insecurities come into play. Is my writing engaging? Do readers find my tone inviting and authentic? Are my photos and recipes 'good enough'? Does anyone even care? I sometimes spend so much time fretting about those things, I don't get around to posting.
Self-doubt aside, time has been my fiercest foe and the source of a great deal of my anxiety. I know I am not the only one holding down a full-time career and blogging on the side - which can sometimes feel like a full-time job in itself. I've let a number of things slide, things that I thought I would attend to while I've been on medical leave, but never found the energy to tackle.
So, I am going the resolution route and have set up some goals to help improve and grow my blog in 2016. I will challenging myself with a new goal each month and share them here on my blog for all the world to see, or at the very least, you guys. I like the idea of being held accountable to you lot who take time from your busy schedules to visit me here regularly - for which I am eternally thankful, BTW!
January's challenge: Let the old cat out of the bag.
Can you believe that I am still so unsure of my blogging skills and abilities that I rarely tell anyone about my blog? After four years of blogging, I think it's time I grew a pair of lady balls and man-up. This Blackberry Coulis Cocktail might just be the thing I need to get started.
This Blackberry Coulis Cocktail is my take on a Havana Bramble recipe I saw in a past copy of the LCBO's Food & Drink magazine. I went the route of the coulis to achieve that dark, crimson colour that adds a sexy masculinity to the drink. I love using coulis to top my yogurt, or do a little fancy plating, so I tend to make and keep a variety on hand. It's so easy and delicious and keeps in the fridge for a few days, but can be frozen for a few months. The Chambord, which is a blackberry liqueur, amps up the blackberry flavour and the spicy tones of the dark rum wraps it up all nice and warm like. You may choose to skip the rum and add champagne, which is actually quite tasty.
So, what are some goals you've set for yourself? More importantly, what are you planning to have in your glass when the clock strikes twelve? Did I hear you say my Blackberry Coulis Cocktail? I thought so! You may also enjoy one, or all of these 5 Festive New Year's Eve Cocktails.
Happy New Year to my dear readers and friends! May 2016 shower you with love, success and a whole lot of sweetness!
Recipe Correction: Initially I wrote ginger beer, I meant ginger ale (can't imagine this drink with the former...). Apologies for the confusion.

- 250 grams blackberries
- 100 grams water
- 50 grams demerara sugar
- 3 grams vanilla extract I use Rodelle Reserve
- 125 ml blackberry coulis
- 250 ml dark rum Havana Club 7-year rum works really well
- 60 ml Chambord blackberry liqueur
- 30 ml fresh lime juice
- gingerale or soda water to add a little fizz
- blackberries to garnish
To make the coulis:
- Place berries, water and sugar in a small, heavy-duty saucepan and bring to a boil.
- Lower heat and allow to simmer until the fruit has softened, about 5 minutes.
- Remove from heat and stir in vanilla extract. Allow to cool.
- Pour into blender and blend on high until pureed.
- Use a sieve to transfer to a container for storage.
To make the cocktail:
- Add ice cubes to glasses.
- To a cocktail shaker, add coulis, rum, Chambord and lime and shake.
- Strain over ice and top up with a little gingerale or soda water.
- Garnish with fresh blackberry.
- Cheers!
Goreti says
You had to didn't you!?! You realize I now have to make another trip to grocery store to get some blackberries and then the liquor store for some dark rum.
I Sugar Coat It! says
LOL...I didn't mean to...promise!! Best wishes for the new year, Goreti. Thanks for hanging out here with me all these years. xo
Olivia @ livforcake says
Well this ranks right up there with one of the best things I've EVER seen. Seriously stunning photos and that cocktail sounds ridiculously amazing.
I totally echo your blogging insecurities. I've been asking myself those exact questions the past two days -- wondering if my writing is boring, if I should include more stories rather than just cutting to the chase (which I used to do). I think it's good to be introspective and identify areas that could use improvement or tweaking. For what it's worth, I DO find your writing engaging and authentic and your photos are gorgeous!!
Hope 2016 is everything you hope for and more. Try not to kick 2015 in the ass on its way out. Or maybe, do it! Hah. <3
I Sugar Coat It! says
I DID and it kicked me right back!! I'm just feeling a little lost and unfocused - it is encouraging to know I am not alone. I think you already know how I feel about your blog, but in case you missed the memo...LOVE IT! The very best to you and your blog for 2016, Olivia. xo
Deb|EastofEdenCooking says
Jacquee I always enjoy your posts! I agree with you, blogging is a whole lot of work. I encourage you to blog when you want, about what you want. After all it's your blog! When we fall in the pit of trying to please others the joy evaporates. The Blackberry Cocktail is so vibrant, just what we need to welcome a new year!
I Sugar Coat It! says
Thanks for your encouraging words, Deb. Couldn't agree more. A very Happy New Year to you!!
Tania @ COOKTORIA says
Wow! This blackberry Coulis Cocktail looks incredible!!! It actually made me thirsty. I will definitely try it in the future!
I Sugar Coat It! says
Then my job here is done!! 😉 Thanks and have a happy new year!!
Rachel @ Simple Seasonal says
This drink and your blog are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your blogging insecurities. I share in those feelings!... and I'm guessing many other blogger do too! It's awesome that you've been doing this for 4 years. I hope I'm also going strong for that long! Happy New Year's!
I Sugar Coat It! says
Happy New Year, Rachel and thanks for the encouragement. I am still drooling over your photos from that chocolate orange cocktail post!
Laura says
Sounds and looks divine! Always great o have another recipe that uses Chambord!
I Sugar Coat It! says
You gotta love the stuff! Happy new year!
Christie says
Whether I make NY resolution or not, I seem to doubt myself. This year my resolution is not to doubt myself! Hope that works. As for your cocktail, I would adore it. Need to make this for my friends at our next Ladies night.
I Sugar Coat It! says
Ah, self-doubt, the killer of creativity - i suffer badly. Hope your resolutions stick, Christie. Best wishes for 2016!
Cristie | Little Big H says
They look so so good and I have all of those ingredients except the rum. Maybe I will substitute something else and see how it turns out. You photos are beautiful.
I Sugar Coat It! says
YAY! Hope you enjoy, Cristie!
Molly Kumar says
Oh these look Fantastic !!! I love your pictures too...they are so pretty and dreamy...all I wanna do is reach out my hand to grab that glass.
I hear ya about the blog insecurity and that's how I was few months back....but I guess the more you write, the more you'd start enjoying. Don't Doubt - Your recipes & pictures look awesome and we would love to see more of them 🙂
Michele says
J ~ I enjoyed reading that you haven't shared your blog with the people you know either.... I keep saying ok, it's time. Maybe I need to make your drink(or two or three ) and just throw it out there. I've never made a sounds delicious! Happy New Year!
Dini @ The Flavor Bender says
I love this drink! I love Blackberries 🙂
I know how you feel about blogging... I feel the same way often! But I absolutely love your photos and your writing so I will definitely be back for more!! 🙂 Happy New Year!
Kim Beaulieu says
This is the most beautiful cocktail I've ever seen in my life. Just gorgeous.
Hauke Fox says
Wow, this is an interesting photography style, I like!! Very cool recipe as well, I'd be up for a glass, even if it's Sunday evening 😀