These fully edible Aerated Milk Chocolate Skulls filled with bubbly clouds of espresso milk chocolate make a fun adult halloween treat.
Halloween is just a week away! Soon we'll be turning back the clocks, which to this day still makes ZERO sense to me. Then we'll be on to carolling, ugly sweaters, snowfalls and the the big dude in red. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Back to Halloween and these Aerated Milk Chocolate Skulls!
Because Mondays are so very brutal, I am starting the week off with chocolate. Have you ever had an Aero chocolate bar? You know that melt-in-your-mouth, bubbly milk chocolate experience? Yeah, you do!
Well, thanks to Heston Blumenthal, I've created that same experience in these Aerated Milk Chocolate Skulls. Best part? One ingredient (two, if you want to flavour it like I did)!!
It's so easy, guys! However, the first time I made it, I foolishly neglected to warm the whipping siphon. I think you all know what happens when warm chocolate comes into contact with a cool surface. Once I ran out of f-bombs and melted the last bits of hardened chocolate from nooks and crannies of my whipper, I was at it again.
Heston used a vacuum cleaner and storage vacuum bag. HUH? Yup! I used my foodsaver vacuum sealer and marinator accessory. He added oil. I did and then I didn't. It worked out fine, but it all seemed too cumbersome. So I thought, HEY I've made fruit-based foams before without the dog and pony show, perhaps that would work for chocolate.
With just the whipping siphon, some experimenting with the amount of charges and some espresso flavoured milk chocolate, I was able to produce a similar effect. The bubbles weren't as well dispersed, but I really preferred the mouthfeel without the added oil. So I filled and closed the skulls and VOILA!
But I could not leave well enough alone. I got it in my head that I wanted them to look more scary in a David Altmejd-ish kind of way. I'm sure you have heard me rave on social media about his work. So out came the cocoa butter, more chocolate and the spray gun and... Aerated Milk Chocolate Skulls!
Before I go, I must know... Do you still dress up for halloween? You can tell me - it'll be our dark, little secret. Promise!

- 250 grams dark chocolate I used Guanaja 70%
- 500 grams milk chocolate I used Jivara 40%
- 3 grams espresso powder
To cast the molds:
- Temper the chocolate in your preferred method (seeding, tabling) and cast the molds.
To make the filling:
- Warm the whipping siphon to 32ºC by placing it in bowl or pot of warm water. Sometimes I use a heat gun to do the job and keep things dry.
- Melt and temper the chocolate, add in the espresso and pour into the warmed whipper.
- Place the cap on and give it three charges, following the manufacturer's instructions. Shake vigorously and quickly dispense the chocolate into the molds, container or frame.
- Place in the refrigerator to set.
Platter Talk says
What a cool Halloween treat! Just when I thought that I'd seen everything, you've proved me wrong. Thanks for this idea.
I Sugar Coat It! says
Glad you liked! Thanks.
Alyssa says
You make this sound so easy!
I Sugar Coat It! says
I guarantee you, the filling is easy - as long as everything is at the correct temperature.
Jillian says
These chocolate skulls look absolutely incredible! Beautiful photography, too!
I Sugar Coat It! says
Many thanks, Jillian!
Sarah @ Champagne Tastes says
This is all a little above my head, but man I'd love to eat a bunch of these!!! lol
I Sugar Coat It! says
Hahaaaa...I just know there is a pun in there somewhere! 🙂
Dianai says
These molds are so cool! I will have to look for something similar this week as I really want to make something cool for halloween!
I Sugar Coat It! says
OOOOHHH, can't wait to see!!
Simon Vanbecelaere says
Heston as an inspiration! Who isn't! He's a cooking demi-God haha! The evil look on the other hand makes them perfect :). Nice pictures here! I would love to make these one day 🙂
I Sugar Coat It! says
The filling is so very easy - you should definitely try it!!
olivia @ livforcake says
These are seriously AMAZING! I love the shiny chocolate ones, but wow those gold ones are just stunning. And aerated chocolate too?? I'm thinking these would ship well ;).
I Sugar Coat It! says
I think they would...late birthday gift, perhaps?!?
Deb|EastofEdenCooking says
Fantastic Halloween post Jacquee! Those skulls would thrill every chocolate lover!
I Sugar Coat It! says
Thanks, Deb!
Elizabeth @ says
These are ridiculously cool! I love that we both did golden skulls for Halloween--great minds think alike! And espresso + chocolate is basically my favorite flavor combination, so these are winning all-around.
I Sugar Coat It! says
Thanks, Elizabeth! Yup, great minds...