64gramsdemerara sugar, maple syrup, or honeyadjust to your sweetness preference
236millilitreswhite wineoptional
Bring the sorrel sepals, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, orange (lemon or lime0 peel and water to a rapid boil in a medium pot. Turn heat down and allow to simmer for 20-30 minutes.
Remove from heat, add orange juice (lemon or lime) and allow to cool in the pot for 12-24 hours.
Once cooled, strain and refrigerate.
Stir in sweetener and wine to taste. Serve chilled, or on ice and garnish with fresh citrus wedges.
Some other spices to consider: mace, nutmeg, pimento (allspice) Some other alcohol to consider: champagne, sherry, rum, red wine, brandy